Wednesday, December 11, 2013


After my  final group project for advanced media strategies was over, I had time to sit down, relax, and think about this crazy semester. Going to school and working part time has been tough, but I've learned a ridiculous amount in these past 5 months. For school, our last project for Hilton has been challenging, fun, and a great learning experience. It never really felt like work, even when I was pulling  my hair out because I couldn't get our network TV budget right,  because of the six other people in my group. We became quite close quite fast, and each of them has taught me an invaluable lesson. Our differences and experiences created a unique team dynamic. We definitely took a risk on our project,  but we thought it was now or never since we'd never get an opportunity like this again where we can suggest ideas that Hilton may not be ready for. We were all so passionate about our ideas and couldn't wait to present them to our client. I usually get nervous speaking, but for this presentation I just was too excited to get nervous. The presentation was an adrenaline rush, and I confidently presented my part and helped out my teammates when they lost their train of thought during the presentation. Because we practiced so many times and had all worked the plan together, I knew what everyone was saying, so I quickly jumped in to get my teammates back onto our idea. I think what makes me a good presenter is that I don't have to memorize what I'm going to say. As long as I have a general idea of what is important, I can say what I need to. The Hilton project really gave me my confidence when it comes to media. I learned that you can't hold back and that taking risks and failing is essential to growing. You have to go after what you want and go after it with 110%. You must be passionate about what you do, and this project made me realize that I want to do this forever. As the semester comes to a close, I look back and see the immense growth I've experienced. I learned so much about media from school. At work, I'm given an assignment, and I've already learned how to do it in school. I've also gained confidence in my own abilities and have come to find that if you work hard, and stay kind, amazing things do happen....corny, but so true!


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