Monday, December 16, 2013


For our first project of the semester in my advanced media strategies class, we had to present our research about which platforms different age segments use, how the platforms change during the week, and how to measure success for each distinct target segment. One of the most interesting facts I found is how more and more people are using multi-screens. As I thought about it, I realized that very rarely do I watch TV without having my laptop open or my phone on me. Sometimes I even have my laptap on and am surfing the web but then get bored and instead decide to play a game of Candy Crush on my phone before paying attention to what's going on during the show that I was watching. 

More and more TV networks and advertisers are creating mutliplatforms for their content. For example, HGTV, which is always on in my apartment, isn't just a channel anymore, it now has a website that it directs viewers to as well as a twitter handle which it advertises right under the logo during all the programs. It has multiple apps that let you watch all the shows or look at floor plans of the dream home their giving away in a sweepstakes. People aren't consuming one media at a time any more since media channels are becoming more fragmented and specialized. In order to have a successful campaign, advertisers will need to spend more money to create a for cross-platform campaign hitting consumers everywhere they are. For media, this means becoming more strategic with plans and really figuring out where the consumers are consuming media and when. Metacognition will start to play more of a role when it comes to media planning for cross-platform campaign to find where your audience is and when they are consuming your content.  


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