Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Puppy Love

After asking for a puppy for my birthday and Christmas every year since I can remember, I finally got my puppy this summer! She's the best companion I could ask for and I already consider her as a member of my family. The proof: her stocking was hung from the mantel of our fireplace weeks before the rest of my families stockings were hung.
Skylar, the newest member of the Whelan family

Needless to say I spoil her because I don't see her as just a dog but as part of my family. Ads today are showing this relationship. You no longer see a product and a happy looking Fido, but a dog owner coming home to their puppy, cuddling and showering it with love. 

Ads for pet food and products show how the majority of people consider their dogs as members of their family. While there are still ads that encourage owners to purchase products because it's good for the dog, most ads play off the relationship of love. Take IAMS for example, their  cover photo on Facebook shows photos of happy pet owners says "Keep love strong".  

After seeing countless Sarah McLachlan commercials for all the hurt and abused dogs, it's refreshing to read statistics that show how majority of dog owners believe their dogs to be members of their families. 

I'm definitely bias because I finally have my puppy, but it's reliving to see that I'm not the only crazy dog owner in the world. 


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