Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hello Again

Hello again! It's been awhile since my last post, but I've been busy. I went to Washington DC, Mexico City, and Cancun, then it was the new year, and school started again which means work started again too. Despite my lack of free time, being back at work and school feels rights so I really can't complain. While I haven't been posting, I have been watching a plethora of ads for the Super Bowl and the Olympics!

Here are my favorites so far:

For the Super Bowl: Budweiser- Puppy Love by Anomaly 
Budweiser posted their commercial "Puppy Love" to their YouTube account and it's already accumulated 9,435,096 views. It hasn't even been twenty four hours and OVER 9 MILLION people have watched it! 

For the Olympics- Guinness- Twins by BBDO New York 
Even though Guinness is not an official sponsor, they created this spot which gave me chills. Everything was just was beautiful. I have a sister and can seriously relate to this commercial. It was so powerful I still have chills as I'm sitting here writing this. I know that I'll remember this ad for quite some time. If you haven't seen it yet you'll have to wait until after February 26th because Guinness is not an official sponsor and can't air advertising featuring Olympic athletes.

Stay tuned for more after Super Bowl Sunday!


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